October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

What’s #onething we can do to raise awareness?

Written by: Yvonne Morales, Ellen Drennan, Sarah Myose

Throughout the month of October, we see it as our mission to spread awareness about domestic violence, as well as to practice being allies for victims/survivors, even as the month ends. One great initiative to work toward this is the Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP). It’s a project developed around a  unified message that focuses on #1Thing. It encourages notions like, change can start with only #1Thing. One person’s actions may seem insignificant, but together a communities’ collective “#1Things” can lead to real social transformation.

Some steps to take in order to promote this message can require a community effort. Working together to rebuild our neighborhoods with greener, cleaner spaces is #1Thing we can do to create protective environments that foster safety and wellbeing. Staying informed or creating places to be informed like investing in trauma-informed social-emotional learning programs for young people is #1Thing we can do to foster healthy growth and resilience in our communities. It also helps to be aware of what’s going on in the world and to be socially just oriented. One can do so by exploring the impact of institutional racism and white supremacy culture in your membership/environment. This is #1Thing you can do to dismantle the oppressive systems that perpetuate domestic violence and other injustices. With the pandemic it can become more difficult for survivors to find a safe space. Hence,  #1Thing to remember is that #safehousing is consistently rated as survivors’ most urgent need. As DV advocates, advocacy for safe, affordable housing is our work too!


It also helps to be reflective in what we are in control of, or what we can help influence. Community connectedness is #1Thing that promotes the prevention of multiple forms of violence, including child maltreatment, domestic violence, sexual violence, youth violence, and suicide. What’s #1Thing you can do to help foster connectedness in your community? Make sure to work with others too! Meaningful collaboration is #1Thing that advances our shared vision of social justice. Who can you reach out to today? Healing is a large part that is often overlooked. Survivors can often name #1Thing that opened the door to their healing and resilience. How can you help open that door? Lastly, it is essential we realize our own privilege. What is #1Thing you can do today to share your power in order to center the voices and experiences of those who are marginalized and oppressed?

The reality is that #1Thing that will end domestic violence is our collective power. And to help victims and survivors heal from domestic violence requires our collective “one things”, because we can all do #1Thing towards eradicating domestic violence. It’s good to be reminded that sharing our stories can have a ripple effect and can inspire others to action. It encourages victims to not be silenced! Our collective One Things are valuable for systems advocacy. In all, #1Thing offers the community tangible ways to get involved in the effort to end domestic violence. BE an ally today by taking the pledge, and remembering how one person, and one thing can make a huge difference in so many lives. Awareness + Action = Social Change


Take the pledge today!

I understand doing/changing one thing can make a difference in my community and the movement to end domestic violence. 

I will use my voice to stand against victim-blaming, discrimination, and violence to end the stigma towards victims and survivors. 

I will listen to victims and survivors without judgment, and respect their choices. I will share my #1Thing boldly and proudly, and often, to inspire others to make a commitment to action against domestic violence.

 I will also encourage others to embrace their own #1Thing to support victims and survivors of domestic violence, and honor the advocates that work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of all survivors. 

By living this pledge, I am joining with advocates across the country to end gender-based violence in my home and community.


SOURCE USED FOR ALL: https://www.dvawareness.org/1thing