April – #30DaysofSAAM

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

It’s the end of April which means the end of SAAM or Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This year, 2021, marks the twentieth year since the birth of SAAM. Sexual Assault Awareness Month advocates, educates and raises awareness against sexual assault and abuse during the month of April. People show their support to the cause by wearing teal (SAAM’s ribbon symbol color), donating to organizations to support the cause and participating in month-long challenges to help raise awareness. 

Thank you for everyone who participated or supported any and every challenge for SAAM, whether it be fundraisers, social media challenges, events, etc. Also, big thanks to everyone that bought a SAAM-exclusive product from the Philanthropy store during the month of April. Part of the proceeds will be going toward an organization that supports and focuses on raising awareness for SAAM. 

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